About Us
What We Do
COPIN is a noncommercial association of communications professionals organized to provide information support in response to disasters or other public emergencies.
COPIN exists to increase awareness and education of the role of public information officers during a crisis, to assist with training opportunities that foster greater disaster communications skills among its members and to facilitate requests for emergency communication backup support from members able to assist qualified organizations that serve community needs.
COPIN operates in a geographic area of Central Ohio determined by the COPIN Board of Directors.

Board of Directors

Darcy Dooley
City of Grove City

Gregg Dodd
Columbus Metropolitan Library

Michelle Day
Ohio Nurses Association

Kelly McGuire
Franklin County Emergency Management & Homeland Security

Mariah Beidleman
City of Westerville

Rebecca Myers
City of Dublin

Amanda Winget
Columbus Zoo & Aquarium

Steve Solomon
Central and Southern Ohio Region of Red Cross

Jennifer Thrush
Union County Health Department

Mallory Sribanditmongkol
People in Need, Inc. of
Delaware County, Ohio
COPIN has three membership committees. Each committee facilitates the efficient operation of COPIN and the ability for COPIN to function during an emergency.
JIC Logistics and Planning
Perform a yearly review and update of the COPIN JIC plan, and submit for approval by the COPIN Board of Directors at the annual meeting. Conduct regular surveys of the physical assets of partner COPIN agencies, including designated JICs, media briefing locations remote from JICs, and resources listed in the COPIN JIC plan. Work with Franklin County Public Health in performing regular review of the inventory, layout, functionality and SOP for use of their Mobile JIC asset.
Work with Franklin County EMA liaison in performing regular review of the inventory, layout, functionality and SOP for use of their stationary JIC. Coordinate involvement of COPIN members in partner agency trainings and exercises as requested.
For questions about the JIC Logistics and Planning Committee, contact COPIN’s Board Chair.
Membership Committee
- Member recruitment
- Management of the COPIN membership database
- Recruitment presentations
- Recruitment support materials
- The Membership Committee envisions implementing a phased-in approach to expanding overall COPIN membership, determined by both geography and discipline.
Committee member roles include:
- Outreach to existing COPIN members to solicit contacts and new member prospects
- Giving presentations to targeted disciplines to solicit new members
- Administrative support – letter writing, mailings, database maintenance
- Coordinating member surveys
We are always looking for additional COPIN members to join us in our membership outreach efforts. If you are interested in helping, please contact Anne Brown, Membership Committee Chair.
Professional Development Committee
- Training
- Exercises and drills
- Credentialing
Through participation in each of these areas, members have the opportunity to learn and demonstrate their increasing level of skill in emergency communications in a real or simulated crisis situation.
Training will be available to members in a variety of settings and locations, including presentation-style, workshop and distance learning. Training sessions will be included during COPIN meetings and at other times, when available.
Exercises available to COPIN members may include those listed in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP). Those HSEEP-approved methods include drills, tabletop discussions or practical exercises (also known as functional or full-scale exercises). These events may be planned for COPIN exclusively or more often, as part of an exercise previously planned for other agencies.
Using industry-respected standards of excellence for training and actual experience, credentialing will provide members the ability to provide evidence of their professional accomplishments and development, and at the same time ensure that in a crisis members are confident in their ability to respond.