Plans & Manuals
Calling COPIN
One call to COPIN and its members can assist you by requesting skilled public information professionals. COPIN members can help assess your public information needs and provide the requested resources. In the event of an emergency requiring public information assistance, an authorized representative of an organization may request assistance by contacting COPIN 24-hours a day at 614-525-6303.
Requests should be confirmed in writing or e-mail within three hours, for documentation purposes. When requesting public information personnel support, please say, “I am calling to request public information support through COPIN,” and be prepared to provide basic information:
The name of the requesting party (organization) and person making the request, along with a phone number and e-mail address for follow-up contact. If COPIN needs to report to a different person, please include that name, location and contact information.
A description of the emergency.
See the Initial Intake Form (link to a downloaded form) and the Mutual-Aid Response Activation (link to a downloaded form) Checklist for details on what you will be asked.
A COPIN member will contact you shortly after notification of your request and may require
additional information to help determine the initial level of response. Typically, two COPIN members will be requested – one to begin implementing PIO support, the second to further assess the situation and schedule additional support as necessary.